First port of call was the Trion:z website to find out some more information.
"Designed to balance the body's magnetic and electrical fields, Trion:Z combines the therapeutic properties of magnets and negative ions, bringing you the most powerful complementary health product on the market today."
This is what the site has to say about the dual loop bracelet
Trion:Z’s original dual therapy bracelet combines Trion:Z’s patented Ionic AND Magnetic therapy into one unique and stylish wristband. With TWO identical loops of Negative Ion releasing “Mineon Health Fibre®” and twin patented ANSPO orientate therapeutic magnets, making it the most powerful ionic wristband on the market.
Dual Loops of Mineon Health Fibre® Negative-Ion producing material:
50- 100 stronger than any other product on the market 2 x 1,000 Gauss Magnets with patented ANSPO technology
Over 20 stylish colour combinations The theory behind magnet therapy is that when a magnet is placed around a specific joint or body part, more blood is attracted to that area, leading to an increase in oxygen and nutrients. The combination of increased oxygen and nutrients leads to a faster healing process.
Well that's most of the scientific spiel out of the way; so how has it worked for me?
I have to admit that I am sceptical when it comes to things like negative ions and magnetic therapy's, I have tried magnets in the past for pain relief and found they didn't work.
Also the website and information that comes with the bracelet doesn't seem to make any real claims that the bracelet will improve performance or help with pain relief.
At present I'm walking roughly 15-25 miles a week: I also have a few little niggly pains in my knees and ankles.
So far I have worn the bracelet 24/7 for the last week and have to say that it has done absolutely nothing for me.
I don't find that the walking time has improved or that my recovery time has got better, the niggly pains are still there.
All I can say about the bracelet is that its a fairly nice design; I usually wear some kind of bracelet, be it this one or my usual Cobra bracelet.
The only other thing to say is "Your Mileage May Vary"