Monday 28 September 2009

Elan Valley 3

The final day started off with a bit of a start for me; when I opened the inner of my tent, I found that the outer had been invaded with lots of spiders. Glad I wasn't in a tarp and bivvy.

After a quick brew and breakfast; I dealt with the spiders and then packed up. Today was going to be hard on the feet mainly because most of the walking would be on track and cycle paths.

We still had nearly 2 miles of the reservoir track to walk before hitting the road, that makes almost 6 miles off reservoir track.

Dam of the end of Claerwen reservoir

The road and cycle track were hard on the feet; and with hindsight and looking at the maps when back home there were a couple of alternatives we could of taken.

Bridge across Caban-coch reservoir

Overall this was a pretty good walk; the weather stayed good for the whole trip and we managed to find a quicker route home, living in the SE of the Country doesn't lend it self well for trip to Wales.

I have some thoughts on equipment and food from this trip but I'll leave them for another post.

In the mean time here is some video from the trip.


  1. Very restful video. Looks like a good trip. reminds me of the one walking weekend I had in Wales.

  2. Very nice walk and I liked the video.

  3. I enjoyed this taste of Wales. Loved the music too. Appreciate all the footage of Keith, nice to see him in action. Although I don't know you in person I was glad to get a glimpse of you in action too. Great to keep in touch across the miles in Australia seeing what you get up to. Are you still going on the hiking challenge? ( not sure what its called, or if its been)

  4. Have applied for the TGO challenge for next year; should find out in November if I get on, for next May. :-)

  5. A grand area for backpacking, I recognise the spots of course!.
    I don't mind the reservoir tracks, they often bring some welcome relief after extended tramps over the tussocky tops.
