Friday, 28 November 2008
Don't forget the bloggers meet
Fully details are :-
Date: 29/11/08
Time: 12:00 - noon onwards
Location: Don Pasquale in the Market Square in Cambridge
Directions Can Be Found Here:
There is also a free to enter raffle for all who attend.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Wood Burning
The first couple of minutes show that I've never used a wood burning or even started a campfire; I think the main problem was I didn't have enough tinder and also the initial sticks of wood were to small.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Friday, 14 November 2008
Just like the X-Factor
But spare a thought for the one who has had to make the long dark walk.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
More Honey?
Bob from has put together a video showing how it all works.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Extra Honey
A bit more playing with the Honey stove; although I haven't actually boiled anything on it yet.
When I set up the stove yesterday I placed all the grill pieces in the stove; I now know that the middle grill is for use with a Trangia meths burner, so this grill doesn't need to be inserted in the stove unless using the Trangia burner.
The two meth stoves I have are a Pepsi and a White Box Stove(WBS); so these are the ones I tried in the stove.
As you can see I only have the top & bottom grills in place and no Fire door either; the WBS seems to be quite away from the top grill a gap of about 40cm. Like I said; I haven't boiled anything yet, so I not sure if this gap is to big and will the flames from the WBS reach a pot on the top grill. It is possible to move the bottom grill to the middle but then there isn't enough room for the WBS to fit.
Honey & Pepsi Stoves
Moving the bottom grill to the centre mean that the Pepsi stove is much closer to the top grill and should mean that the flames reach the pot better. This stove is designed to be very flexible; so the top grill could of been moved to the middle and still have the same effect but giving a better windshield around the pot.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Honey Honey
These are just my initial comments and thoughts on first opening the package.
There will be more to come in the next week or so.
Ooooh Mister Postman...
So that's me off the challenge for next year; but I'm sure I'll find something to do.
The second was a package from and in this was the new Honey Stove, I've only just had a chance to look at it. I will get some pictures and a video up as soon as possible although I see Darren has already been out playing; I don't know where he gets the time.
I also had a nice phone called today and an extra treat to look forward to at the Outdoors blogger meet in Cambridge at the end of the month.
That's all for the moment.
Box of surprises
After the problems of yesterday with the line I deleted this post, thinking it was the cause; it wasn't. So I have re-posted and also managed to get rid of the line.
I finally got the parcel I was waiting for yesterday; and in it was a pleasant surprise.
Originally I had been in touch with HiTec about a pair of their V-lite Recon Mid eVent boots but they didn't have any available.
So they said to let them know if there was any others I would be interested in, so I gave them a choice of four; so they could send me out a pair.
So I was really surprised to find that they had sent out; two of the four choices, named a pair of V-lite Radar II eVent and a pair of the Peak II eVent.
Radar II
Peak II
I had a chance to give the Radar II a little test out yesterday; while out shooting some video, the initial thoughts are that they are a little on the tight side but hopefully they will stretch a little but they do feel very light on the feet.
As yet; I haven't weighed either of them but will do over the next few days and post more information as and when the testing continues.
Monday, 10 November 2008
I'm trying to work out what is going on.
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Friday, 7 November 2008
The continuing saga
Yeah; that's right no parcel delivery, after trying to deliver yesterday they didn't bother today even though I have arranged for the delivery today and it was them that said that they could deliver only on Friday.
Bunch of muppets; They said that they maybe able to deliver Monday, this will be the third attempt and will then mean I will have to try and get to the main depot to collect. Only problem with that is the depot is miles away and not particularly easy to get to.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Guess who has been back today?
I've tried phoning to see if they are still going to attempt to deliver tomorrow and after 15 minutes on hold; I'm cut off!!!
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
What does the postman have?
Could it be nice new bit of outdoor equipment?
They can't re-deliver until Friday; well whatever it is will hopefully be here
for the weekend.