I have been thinking about ways to bring extra content to the blog, I've have a few ideas which may or may not appear over the next few months.
One of the new ideas was the way video's were being seen; all the video's I have done are over on YouTube and for the main this works pretty well; but I wanted something a bit more smart looking, after AktoMan mentioned iTunes on a post in the outdoor bloggers forum I thought I would take a look at this.
I always thought it was the more professional user that could have audio or video casts in iTunes but this isn't true; anyone can. So I started looking for a new host for the video's and uploading to it.
My video's are now available through iTunes on the following feed, this will allow the user to download the video's once subscribed to the feed.
At present there is only a few of the old 'Dales Way' and 'Scotland' video but over the next few weeks/months I will hopefully be adding new content.
George which host are you using? I have everything ready (did it a couple of weeks ago now) just held back over concerns with bandwidth and bringing down the blog?